"Love Aaj Kal"...

Do you really think the emotion of love has actually changed over time? 
I mean, the title in a way conveys so....right? And most people even say it, especially elders, not necessarily in the context of this film but even in a normal conversation.

Okay ....! Now let's rephrase this question! 

Can Love have any relativity to time? 

The Answer is......Nooooooooo !                
Of course I'm not a Love Guru or God!!  But I guess, you will agree with me.....πŸ˜‰ if you believe thisπŸ‘‡.

No one on this earth can define Love and say that, it has changed overtime  from then (kal) till now (aaj). It is a natural phenomenon like birth and death. There are no answers to why we are born and why we are destined to die one day. Same is with Love. 
πŸ‘‰It just happens! That's it!  
πŸ‘‰There is no reason to it. 
πŸ‘‰It is inexplainable.
πŸ‘‰There are no fixed dimensions to it like quantity or quality which can be used to asses it's  characterisrics.
All that we understand or pretend to know about Love is that......It is a divine emotion with unspoken language that defines an intent of oneness between two people or an intent of staying close to a person forever without any reason. 
Still ....it is not that easy to limit Love with what you understand and come to conclusion that you have experienced Love. 
The complexities of life keep the dynamics of Love mysterious.
So, There is no question of judging whether it has changed or not!

Then what has changed? That's the BIG question! Coz....obviously  the title is "Love Aaj Kal"😁
Something must have changed na....

The Answer......πŸ‘‡

Kal (1990's) : 
In old days, pre internet era, people never had the desire to control their lives. They loved to live life as it came to them. Life was simple and it was kept simple by more personal one on one interactions with the world around, rather than a virtual interaction through a media. People never lost any moment in hoping for a better one in future. Though people had options of life, desires and strong ambitions in their minds, the act or thought of exploring them or getting obsessed for them was less and satisfaction level was very high about what one already possessed. That's because the pace in which the world changed then, never overtook the pace of their life. 
So if at all Love was destined to happen in one's life, it used to be like a celebration of life within heart. Those moments were cherished with full heart n soul, One could let the pain of Love affect his/her life. Decisions were taken fearlessly at the expense of one's own future that would end up in uncertainty. 
In this time zone (1990's),Though one could celebrate and cherish his/her Love for someone special in his/her life, that Love could still suffer a fate of suppression considerably at a late phase in the wake of human's natural instinct of going beyond to explore life where distances increase, priorities change, and mistakes do happen. One may keep sailing away ignoring the under current emotion of  Love for that special person, but that lost Love would find it's way out again to suffocate him/her for that one special person.

Well, that's how Love was processed in one's life towards that one special person.

Aaj  (2020)
Today, in this Smart era, we have an intense desire to control our lives. We no longer wish to live life as it comes, we tend to live a moment to it's best and prefer keeping it short n sweet, hoping to get another better one in future. That's because we believe... "there's just one life and live the moment to maximum".
There are loads of options around us in life, our desires have no limits, we are ambitious, we intend to keep re-discovering ourselves through exploring life and get obsessed with dissatisfaction. 
Unfortunately our smart phone in a way dictates our life and makes us conscious to keep with the pace of the fast changing world. 
So if at all Love finds it's way to happen in one's life, it is no more a celebration of life within heart, instead it's a moment of confusion within his/her mind, because though our heart understands Love, our mind simply fails to respond to sync with our heart to this emotion called Love
Obviously, today our mind is very much insecure that it responds only to practical things which are promising enough for our dreams and can turn our desires to reality, or our mind prefers not to respond to this emotion of Love hoping for better things to happen in future, which could be missed if we commit now. 
Hence, the best way to let go this emotion of Love is to melt  away through a brief period of intimacy with the person we Love, followed by few episodes of casual sex  and we start believing that, we suppressed our emotion of Love  growing in our heart threatening to over rule our mind for that one special person.
Sadly, in this time zone (2020), the limitless expectations  from life, insecurities about future and obsession of dissatisfaction lead to indecisiveness and finally Love suffers the fate of suppression much early in one's heart and remains untapped allowing it to build up inside gradually. The resultant chaos of heart & mind war developed within, causes this untapped Love to burst out one day. Eventually the person make peace with his/her mind about their desires, ambitions, expectations of life, letting the emotion of Love to govern them, so as to make life more graceful and meaningful along with his/her beloved.

Well again, this is how Love is processed today in one's life towards that one special person.

Now, considering both the time zones , Do you still feel time could change anything about Love?

Hahahaha…….Same question againπŸ˜ƒ

All I can say and believe is that , Yes..! The processing of  Love in one's heart and mind towards a person has definitely changed and are very different in these two time zones or eras, but the under current emotion of Love is universal and remains unchanged if we are destined to love that one special person forever, no matter how our lives change according to the changing world from time to time.
After all no one is perfect, mistakes are inevitable and life never goes as per plan, so before its too late, hold on to your Love and do it  with a TWISTπŸ˜‰πŸ˜.

Now leave aside all the negative reviews about this movie and just go, watch it and experience the versatility of love through Karthik Aryan in 1990 and Sara Ali Khan in 2020 to witness how they come to terms with Love if you believe in what all I said.


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