
Once you begin to understand life, you are always left with 2 choices....

1.         Listen to your heart and just follow it and live your life (Mann marzi). 
It sounds great! isn't it? After all its your life, so live as you like. Just do your heart and keep       satisfying you heart's hunger which in turn will gratify your sense of living a life. 
This sounds like...the best choice to live, right?? But..really is it the best choice???

Ok....Let's see what's the other choice we have and then decide.

2.         Live practically according to the situations of life. To keep it simple....Go by rules of life! Play safe! Here you plan, execute and shape up your life based on what you learn and what you have witnessed around you. Even in this choice you definitely listen to your heart. Obviously you live as per your heart even here! 

So...What's the difference???? I know this is your question now!

Hahahaha....! Here's the difference - 

In the first choice your heart neither learns to grow up to judge various situations of life nor has any control on the desires accumulating within. This leaves an immense pure untapped energy within you that can take you to any extent and empower you to face any difficulty to achieve or possess what you are passionate for to gratify your sense of living life. 
But amidst all this, your so called immense energy vaporizes everything behind in your path with which you were associated. And these can be people, relationships, situations or sometimes even your own self (You may not be the same as you were). Finally, all you got is just you and only you at the end. To keep it simple again.....This would be your "Selfish life".

Whereas in the second choice, you make your heart learn to grow up to judge various situations of life and also tune it to accumulate desires in manner you can control the resulting energy and prevent it from vaporizing your path behind as you move on. 
And all this just requires a little patience and awareness from the world around you. 
and that's how your heart matures and sails you through your desires ensuring that you are not left alone at the end. This would be your "Practical life".

So .....what's your choice now???  

I guess it's still difficult to choose .....right??

Yes my dear friends......Its not only difficult to choose but its just impossible to choose. 
And that's the real fact of life. 
No one can ever choose just one option and go on living a life, unless he is GOD himself! Hahahaha.....Yup! Its true. 

We all need both the choices equally to lable ourselves as living beings. 
The only tip is that, we need to balance both the choices every minute. So at any point of life, if you are really happy, it means that both the choices are in a state of balance for that moment and when you feel you have a problem, then both the choices are in a state of clash. 
Finally one choice wins over the other and vice versa depending on the your awareness of the situation and how much patience you have for that situation in your life. 
Ofcourse... balance is again restored even though one wins over the other. That's why we say, time heals everything.

And finally friends " Manmarziyan" is all about what actually a girl (the lead character) goes through, to understand these choices in her life and how she triumphs a balance between these two choices when they clash for a given situation of life. And the given situation of life in this film is..."Love".

Hope you will enjoy the film after reading the intention conveyed by the film as far as I believe.


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